Cheaper Vacations

San Jose

San Jose, Costa Rica




Maximum (°C)

Minimum (°C)

Precipitation (mm)


The country's official currency is the Costa Rican Colon (CRC). You will be able to exchange currency at local banks. U.S. dollars and most credit cards are also accepted in shops and hotels. Remember to inform your bank with the dates of your stay in Costa Rica if you plan to use your cards during your vacation.



Official language

Costa Rica's official language is Spanish. Before you go, download a translation app and enjoy it on your phone or bring a small Spanish-English dictionary if you are not comfortable with this language,


Electrical outlets used in Costa Rica are the same as in Canada. The same goes for voltage and frequency (120V and 60Hz).

Electrical outlet
Electrical outlet

Passport and entry & exit requirements

It is strongly recommended that your Canadian passport be valid for at least 6 months after the date of your return from travel. For more information, visit the Government of Canada's website.

For travel requirements such as vaccination, quarantine, PCR testing, we recommend reviewing the Sherpa tool.