Maximum (°C)
Minimum (°C)
Precipitation (mm)
The currency used in Cuba is the Cuban peso. Canadian travelers are advised to bring Canadian dollars (paper only) or U.S. dollars, which can be exchanged on site for local currency.
Voltage is 220V in most hotels. If your devices only work on 110V, be sure to bring a converter.
Electrical outlets are generally able to accommodate flat plugs (such as those used in North America) and round pin plugs (such as those used in Europe). On the other hand, remember that some older hotels can only take round pin plugs. Please remember to bring a power adapter and a converter.
It is strongly recommended that your Canadian passport be valid for at least 6 months after the date of your return from travel. For more information, visit the Government of Canada's website.
For travel requirements such as vaccination, quarantine, PCR testing, we recommend reviewing the Sherpa tool.
LEGAL NOTICE: Information subject to change without notice. Photos and descriptions for information purposes only.
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